Monday 21 July 2008

Maternity: The New GAP Year?

Helen Mirren Looks Amazing!
This photo came out mid-week and caused a frenzy in mature female columnists everywhere. 'Mirren the poster-girl for sexy sixties' gasped India Knight in yesterday's Sunday Times. Knight could barely breath for gushing over Super Hot Gran Helen Mirren. Hmm, hate to burst her bit of cheerleading, but Mirren is not a Mum or Gran. So yes her abs do look great, and she is rested looking. I know Knight is trying to make women feel good about themselves by saying we can have children, get older and have a sexy bikini bod - but she should pick someone who has actually done it all. I kind of feel cheated.

Baby Gap Year?
The danger of being at home in the daytime; is daytime TV & Radio. I feel totally trapped by women's issues.The shows and presenters would provoke even a pavement into outrage: 'I am so angry I can't take time off to be with children.Why should a man be allowed to run off with younger woman after a 23-year marriage'. So I quite liked it when a guy called into the Jeremy Vine show, to comment on whether small businessess should pay maternity leave.

"I'd like a GAP year or a Porsche but I don't expect my company to pay for it"

Cue - absolute phone-in mayhem.

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