She's back - this time she has written, directed, produced and starred her own film '2 days in Paris'
Julie Delpy attended on August the 7th the AFI's Director's screening of her own film, and I couldn't be happier to hear about it! I loved her in the Sunrise and Sunset films, especially Sunset, the dialogue and chemistry between her and Ethan Hawke was really something. It articulated so much about the nature of love, and that ending... Well having read some reviews of this, and watched the trailer, I think there is something very reminiscent of Sunset. No doubt that was the marketing angle, especially the mentioned time constriction in the film title. The film is released in the UK on 31st August and I am sending out all my invites now, it promises to be a gem. Watch the trailer: http://www.2daysinparisthefilm.com/