Sunday, 12 August 2007

Crystal encrusted Harper's Bazaar

Harper's covered with 200 Swarovski crystals
Wow, it is not often I want to touch a magazine with such child-like curiosity. Was that really diamonds glittering back from me on the magazine shelf ? Seems not quite, but the Harpers logo has been encrusted with gorgeous crystals, I checked the cover price, just £3, 70, it seemed actually available for me to buy and walk out of the shop with. Even my newsagents was impressed, and he is staring at these mags all day. So what is it in aid of ? Seems the publication has taken on the international logo of Harpers Bazaar. Can't even remember what it looked like before, it is always one of those mags I don't think about buying. But this month I will, as it seems packed with British profiles and stories. Hurry up and bag yours, apparently only 50, 000 been printed.

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